An opportunity to experience the wealth of experience and research currently being delivered to world leading industry is taking place on the 20th of September at Cranfield University.
The aim of the programme of activities at the REMS public engagement day is to increase awareness of various engineering disciplines and inspire young people to consider a future career path within the Energy and Power sector, whilst also raising awareness of the challenges currently faced worldwide.
Since the event is designed to inspire young people, we have invited schools and colleges from the local area to bring their pupils from Year 8 and above to campus to meet with researchers, academics, students and leaders within the Energy industry.
On the day, students will experience practical demonstrations, visit leading research facilities and ask questions of leading engineers about their work and their career.
We are looking to cover a wide range of engineering topics from Energy and Power with a focus on environmental issues and Energy security. Careers within Energy & Power are not just technical – we aim to demonstrate the wider contributions to society, the environment and people’s well-being.