Calendar of REMS Student Conference Papers

Date Student Title Presenting at
Materials and Structural Integrity
September 2019 Taylor, J., Mehmanparast, A., Kulka, R., Moore, P. Correlation between steel initiation toughness and arrest toughness determined from small-scale mechanical testing Procedia Structural Integrity, 17, pp.472-478.
September 2019 Ermakova, A., Mehmanparast, A., Ganguly, S. A review of present status and challenges of using additive manufacturing technology for offshore wind applications Procedia Structural Integrity, 17, pp.29-36.
August 2019 S. Lochan, A. Mehmanparast, J. Wintle A review of fatigue performance of bolted connections in offshore wind turbines Procedia Structural Integrity, 17, pp.276-283
June 2019 Taylor, J., Moore, P., Mehmanparast, A., Kulka, R. Correlation between Steel Microstructural Characteristics and the Initiation and Arrest Toughness Determined from Small-scale Mechanical Testing In International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering (Vol. 58790, p. V004T03A031). American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
December 2018 Anandavijayan, S., Mehmanparast, A. and Brennan, F. A numerical analysis of the effects of manufacturing processes on material pre-strain in offshore wind monopiles Procedia Structural Integrity, 13, pp.953-958.
December 2018 Jacob, A., Mehmanparast, A., Kelleher, J. and Burca, G. Neutron diffraction and neutron imaging residual strain measurements on offshore wind monopile weldments Procedia Structural Integrity, 13, pp.517-522.
December 2018 Mehmanparast, A., Albani, P. and Igwemezie, V. Crack growth monitoring in corrosion-fatigue tests using back face strain measurement technique Procedia Structural Integrity, 13, pp.261-266.
June 2018 Jacob, A., de Oliveira, J.
A., Mehmanparast, A., Hosseinzadeh, F. and Berto, F.
Should Residual Stresses Be Taken Into Account in Structural Integrity Assessment of Offshore Monopiles? In ASME 2018 37th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering
Offshore Wind Technologies Development and Optimization
September 2020 Simpson, C., Collu, M. Influence of the Mission Profile on The Lifetime Modelling of the Wind Turbine Power Converter – A Review In 2020 9th International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications (ICRERA)
September 2020 D Cevasco, J Tautz-Weinert, A J Kolios and U Smolka Applicability of machine learning approaches for structural damage detection of offshore wind jacket structures based on low resolution data Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 1618, Control and Monitoring
January 2020 D Cevasco, J Tautz-Weinert, U Smolka and A Kolios Feasibility of machine learning algorithms for classifying damaged offshore jacket structures using SCADA data Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 1669, EERA DeepWind’2020 15 – 17 January 2020, Radisson Blu Royal Garden Hotel, Trondheim, Norway.
June 2019 Leimeister, M Larger MW-Class Floater Designs Without Upscaling? – A Direct Optimization Approach In ASME 2019 38th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering. American Society of Mechanical Engineers Digital Collection.
May 2019 Ioannou, A. and Falcone, G., 2019 A Critical Review of Energy Modelling Approaches for Sustainable Scenarios Analysis All-Energy Exhibition and Conference, Glasgow, UK, 15-16 May 2019.
February 2019 Leimeister, M Python-Modelica Framework for Automated Simulation and Optimization In Proceedings of the 13th International Modelica Conference, Regensburg, Germany, March 4–6, 2019 (No. 157). Linköping University Electronic Press.
November 2018 M Leimeister, A Kolios, M Collu Critical review of floating support structures for offshore wind farm deployment In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1104, No. 1, p. 012007). IOP Publishing.
October 2018 M Leimeister, T Balaam, P Causon, D Cevasco, M Richmond, A Kolios, F Brennan Human-free offshore lifting solutions Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1102, No. 1, p. 012030). IOP Publishing.
September 2018 Cevasco, D., Collu, M. and Lin, Z. O&M cost-based FMECA: identification and ranking of the most critical components for 2-4 MW geared offshore wind turbines In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1102, No. 1, p. 012039). IOP Publishing.
September 2018 Ioannou, A., Angus, A. and Brennan, F., 2019 Effect of Electricity Market Price Uncertainty Modelling on the Profitability Assessment of Offshore Wind Through an Integrated Lifecycle Techno-Economic Model. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1102, WindEurope Conference 2018 within the Global Wind Summit September 2018, Hamburg, Germany.
July 2018 M N Scheu, D Kaufer, M A Schwarzkopf, A Kolios Workability on offshore wind turbines – a comparative study of fixed-bottom and floating applications Proceedings of the Twenty-eighth International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, ISBN 978-1-880653-87-6, 2018
June 2018 Richmond, M., Kolios, A., Pillai, V.S., Nishino, T. and Wang, L. Development of a stochastic computational fluid dynamics approach for offshore wind farms In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1037, No. 7, p. 072034). IOP Publishing.
June 2018 Ma, L. and Nishino, T. Preliminary estimate of the impact of support structures on the aerodynamic performance of very large wind farms In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1037, No. 7, p. 072036). IOP Publishing.
June 2018 M A Schwarzkopf, M N Scheu, A Okyay, A Kolios Whole body vibration on offshore structures: An evaluation of existing guidelines for assessing low frequency motions Proceedings of the Twenty-eighth International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, ISBN 978-1-880653-87-6, 2018
June 2017 Cevasco, D., Collu, M., Hall, M. and Rizzo, C.M. On the comparison of the dynamic response of an offshore floating VAWT system when adopting two different mooring system model of dynamics: Quasi-static VS lumped mass approach In ASME 2017 36th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering. American Society of Mechanical Engineers Digital Collection.
June 2017 Vaienti, C., Ioannou, A. and Brennan, F. Cash flow at risk of offshore wind plants In 2017 6th International Conference on Clean Electrical Power (ICCEP) (pp. 84-93). IEEE.
June 2017 Ioannou, A., Vaienti, C., Angus, A. and Brennan, F. A cluster analysis of investment strategies in the offshore wind energy market In 2017 6th International Conference on Clean Electrical Power (ICCEP) (pp. 362-369). IEEE.
April 2017 M. Martinez-Luengo, P. Causon, A. B. Gill & A. J. Kolios The Effect of Marine Growth dynamics in Offshore Wind Turbine Support Structures Proceedings of the 6th International Conference On Marine Structures. April. pp 889-897
February 2017 Ioannou, A., Wang, L. and Brennan, F. Design implications towards inspection reduction of large scale structures Procedia CIRP, 60, pp.434-439.
February 2017 A Ioannou, A Angus, F Brennan Stochastic Prediction of Offshore Wind Farm LCOE through an Integrated Cost Model Energy Procedia 107C (2017) pp. 383-389
Geotechnical Engineering
August 2020 Wu, K.W., Byrne, B.W. and Houlsby, G.T. Investigation of rate effects for monopile foundations: laboratory-scale model tests 4th International Symposium on Frontiers in Offshore Geotechnics (ISFOG 2020), Austin, Texas
August 2020 Buckley, R.M., Byrne, B.W., Martin, S.C., McAdam, R.A., Sheil, B.B., Aghakouchak, A. and Lindeboom, R.C.J. Large diameter pile testing for offshore wind applications with a focus on cyclic lateral loading and rate effects 4th International Symposium on Frontiers in Offshore Geotechnics (ISFOG 2020), Austin, Texas
August 2020 Houlsby, G.T., Byrne, B.W., Burd, H.J. and Balaam, T.D. Methods of numerical analysis of monopiles under pseudo-random lateral loading 4th International Symposium on Frontiers in Offshore Geotechnics (ISFOG 2020), Austin, Texas
August 2020 Balaam, T.D., Byrne, B.W., Houlsby, G.T., Petter Jostad, H. and Page, A.M. Predictions of multi-amplitude simple shear tests using hyperplasticity models 4th International Symposium on Frontiers in Offshore Geotechnics (ISFOG 2020), Austin, Texas
August 2020 Jones, L., White, J. and Le, T. On the Triaxial Testing of Sand for Offshore Wind Turbine Foundation Design 4th International Symposium on Frontiers in Offshore Geotechnics (ISFOG 2020), Austin, Texas
August 2020 Richards, I.A., Houlsby, G.T. and Byrne, B.W. Modelling the response of monopiles to complex cyclic lateral loading in sand 4th International Symposium on Frontiers in Offshore Geotechnics (ISFOG 2020), Austin, Texas
August 2020 Mayall, R.O., Burd, H.J., Byrne, B.W., McAdam, R.A., Whitehouse, R.J.S., Slater, P.L. and Heald, S.G. Scour protection effect on laterally loaded monopiles 4th International Symposium on Frontiers in Offshore Geotechnics (ISFOG 2020), Austin, Texas
August 2020 Martin, C.M., Burd, H.J., McAdam, R.A., Houlston, P.J. and von Celsing, I. Ultimate Capacity of Short Piles in Clay under Lateral Loading 4th International Symposium on Frontiers in Offshore Geotechnics (ISFOG 2020), Austin, Texas
August 2020 Rattley, M., Whyte, S., Hilton, J., Burbury, D., Burd, H.J., Martin, C.M. and Ingarfield, S. Implementation of Advanced Monopile Design Approaches at the Seastar Offshore Wind Farm 4th International Symposium on Frontiers in Offshore Geotechnics (ISFOG 2020), Austin, Texas
August 2020 Whyte, S., Rattley, M., Ramos Da Silva, M., Martin, C.M., Burd, H.J. and Erbrich, C. Numerical Analysis of Offshore Wind Turbine Foundations in Dense Sand Considering Partial Drainage 4th International Symposium on Frontiers in Offshore Geotechnics (ISFOG 2020), Austin, Texas
August 2020 Joseph, T.M. and Houlsby, G.T. Examination of Open-Ended Pile Capacity Methods in Estimating Axial Response 4th International Symposium on Frontiers in Offshore Geotechnics (ISFOG 2020), Austin, Texas
2019 Richards, I., Houlsby, G. and Byrne, B. Exploring the Response of a Monopile to Storm Loading Coastal Structures 2019, pp.952-962.
November 2018 Mayall, R.O., Byrne, B.W., Burd, H.J., McAdam, R.A., Cassie, P. and Whitehouse, R.J.S Modelling of foundation response to scour and scour protection for offshore wind turbine structures 9th International Conference on Scour and Erosion (ICSE), Taiwan
September 2018 Joseph, T.M., Houlsby, G.T., Burd, H.J. and Taylor, P. Finite element analysis of soil plug behaviour Within open-ended piles The Society for Underwater Technology 8th International Conference on Offshore Site Investigation Geotechnics (SUT OSIG), London
July 2018 Richards, I.A., Byrne, B.W. and Houlsby, G.T Physical modelling of monopile foundations under variable cyclic lateral loading in sand 9th International Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics (ICPMG), London
July 2018 Mayall, R.O., McAdam, R.A., Byrne, B.W., Burd, H.J., Sheil, B.B., Cassie, P. and Whitehouse, R.J.S Experimental modelling of the effects of scour and scour protection on offshore wind turbine monopile foundations 9th International Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics (ICPMG), London
June 2018 Joseph, T.M., Burd, H.J., Houlsby, G.T. and Taylor, P One-dimensional finite element analysis of the soil plug in open-ended piles under axial load Numerical Methods in Geotechnical Engineering IX, Volume 2 (pp. 1493-1501). CRC Press. Porto